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Best Hydration Strategies to Combat Humidity and Heat: Top Tips for Glowing Skin

Best Hydration Strategies to Combat Humidity and Heat: Top Tips for Glowing Skin

Hot and humid weather can increase your risk of dehydration, making it especially crucial to stay hydrated during the summer and fall months. If you’re searching for the best hydration strategies to beat the heat and methods of skincare for humid weather, you’ve come to the right place! 

Sure, summer may almost be over, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the humidity and heat will leave with it, right? (Especially if you live in the South). So while you’re packing away your swimsuits and other summer necessities, remember to keep your sunscreen handy. 


10 Tips for Glowing Skin in Humidity and Heat

If your goal is to achieve or maintain glowing skin during the transition from summer to fall, you’ll want to rely on these tried and true skincare tips. 


1. Use Cleanser Twice a Day

If you don’t already have a reliable cleanser on hand, there’s no better time than the present to grab some. 

Cleansing your skin once in the morning and once at night has many benefits for your skin. For example, it will remove excess makeup, oil, and impurities that could otherwise clog your pores. 

Then there’s sweat, of course, that you’ll become acquainted with quite often this time of year. During the days when humidity is higher, your sweat will not evaporate as quickly, meaning it’ll sit on your skin for longer. (Yikes!) The good news…a good cleanser, like our Purify Daily Cleanser, can remove that too!


2. Switch to Gentle Soaps/Detergents/Makeup

People often overlook just how many products make contact with their skin regularly. Think about it… How often do you shower? Wear clothes that have been washed? Put on makeup? 

Now of all the products that make regular contact with your skin, would you say that they are made up of gentle ingredients or harsh ones (chemicals, etc.)? 

Switching all such products to ones containing gentle, all-natural ingredients will make a world of difference! This is one of the best tips for glowing skin, as it will not only attract moisture to your skin but lock it in as well. 


3. Drink Enough Water Regularly

Staying hydrated internally is one of the best tips when it comes to skincare for humid weather. This may seem like an obvious tip, but how often would you say that you drink the required daily amount of water that your body needs? Exactly!

As a general rule of thumb, you should be drinking half your body weight (in ounces) every day. In other words, take your total weight, then divide that number by “2” and whatever answer you get is the amount of ounces of water you should drink each day. 

A hydrated body flushes out impurities and unwanted toxins naturally (such as anything your skin may be holding on to as a result of all that humidity and heat exposure), resulting in healthier skin. 


4. Apply Sunscreen Daily

Don’t let the approaching fall weather fool you. Even during the cooler days when the sun may not seem to be as harmful, it still is. 

You should wear sunscreen every day (broad-spectrum, at least SPF 15), covering all exposed parts of your body. As far as skincare strategies go, this is a rule you should stick to all year round, regardless of the season, temperature, or cloud coverage. 


5. Gently Pat Your Skin Dry

Even if you’ve heard this before, it warrants a reminder - always pat your skin dry (gently) after washing your face or showering. 

When you roughly dry your face, it can remove moisture from your skin. So if you’re on a mission to have healthy, glowing skin, this is a great place to start. 


6. Counteract Caffeine Intake

If you love your daily coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages, then you’ll need to remember this tip to stay hydrated. 

These drinks are diuretics, which deplete your body of water and cause dehydration. This is exacerbated by the humidity and heat too. (So be extra cautious when enjoying these delicious drinks!) 

Just remember to drink equal amounts of water to counteract the amounts of coffee, tea, or alcohol you’re consuming, in addition to your daily water requirement. 


7. Seek Shade After Sun Exposure

You know about sunscreen, but did you also know that after 30 minutes of sun exposure, you should seek shade? If you did, that’s great! If not, you should start practicing this every time you’re outdoors. 

Otherwise, your skin may become damaged from sunburn. Also, the longer you’re exposed to sunlight, the more you’ll sweat, which will dehydrate you even more. 


8. Focus on Your Diet

The best method of skincare for humid weather and summer to fall heat is to continuously eat a healthy diet. 

When you add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet regularly (and drink the required amount of water), you will have nourished and hydrated skin!


9. Use Face Masks or Mists

Looking for a wonderful way to add some extra hydration to your face when it’s in need? Then stock up on some face masks or mists!

You’ll see an improvement in your skin’s texture, too, as these skincare strategies will both help to lock in moisture!


10. Get Enough Sleep

While ensuring you get adequate sleep isn’t always easy, it’s certainly beneficial for many reasons, such as keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. 

During sleep, your skin goes into restoration mode. So by the time you wake up, your skin is rejuvenated and ready to approach the new day (along with all the stressors it will encounter like humidity and heat).

Speaking of going to work while you sleep, try our Rebel Skincare Skin Revival Night Serum!


Skincare Recap

Are you someone who has ever struggled with keeping your skin hydrated during the summer or fall months? 

Whether you’ve faced skin issues from either humidity or heat, these skincare strategies will combat those effects and completely change your skincare game!

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