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Summer Skincare Myths Debunked: What You Really Need to Know

Summer Skincare Myths Debunked: What You Really Need to Know

Summer is here, which means more time for fun in the sun! But that also means more potential damage to your skin. When it comes to summer skincare, there are many myths out there. (You’ve probably already fallen for a few of them.)

Understanding this difference between what is fact and what is fiction is crucial for your skin’s health. Fortunately, we’re here to debunk those summer skincare myths for you. So, get ready to walk away from those fun, sunny days with healthy, glowing skin!


10 Summer Skincare Myths Debunked

Pull out your cutest summer notepad and get ready to jot these notes down. Here are 10 of the most common summer skincare myths debunked: 


Myth #1: Clouds Will Prevent the Potential for Sunburn

Sorry to burst your summer bubble, but this is simply not true. Approximately 80% of UV radiation will penetrate through clouds. 

Often, people are MORE likely to get a sunburn on a cloudy day because they feel a reduced heat sensation on their skin due to the clouds hiding the sun. When you’re deceived into thinking there is less sun exposure, you’re more likely to stay in the sun longer or seek shade less often. 

You will still need to apply your sunscreen (and reapply every two hours) on a cloudy day. 


Myth #2: Wearing SPF 30 Sunscreen Will Block Vitamin D

Here’s a myth that you may not even be familiar with… Many people believe that by wearing SPF 30 sunscreen, they’ll prevent their skin from absorbing necessary vitamin D levels from the sun. 

What this sunscreen will actually do is reduce your chances of developing sunburn or skin cancer by blocking UV rays. 

You’ll be relieved to know that studies have even shown that people who wear sunscreen daily are still maintaining their necessary vitamin D levels!


Myth #3: While Swimming, You Can’t Get Sunburnt

Similar to the myth about clouds, UV rays CAN penetrate through clear water (up to at least one meter). 

Additionally, when the sunlight reflects off of the surface of the water, it can even increase your sun exposure, making you more likely to develop sunburn. 

To reduce these effects, you can simply wear a water-resistant broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply often! 


Myth #4: If You Have Oily Skin, You Shouldn’t Use Moisturizer

If you’ve ever heard that you should stop using your moisturizer in the summer because it will make your skin more oily, consider this myth debunked. 

Even in the summer months, you’ll need to ensure that you’re keeping your skin’s moisture levels balanced. If you stop using moisturizer altogether, you’ll stop having balanced moisture levels. 

The elimination of moisturizer in the summertime could cause your skin to start producing even more oil to prevent getting dried out. If you’re worried, opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer.


Myth #5: Sunscreen Keeps You from Getting a Tan

Thankfully for your skin tone, this is a big myth! Sunscreen is designed to create a protective barrier on your skin from the sun. It will not, however, prevent your skin from getting more tanned. 

This leads us to another similar myth that having a base tan will protect you from sunburn. Your base tan is about the equivalent of an SPF level of 3 or 4. In other words, it’s not very protective at all. 

So don’t rely on your base tan this summer. Always apply sunscreen if you plan to be outside. 


Consider this your intermission from note-taking! Set that notepad and pen down and stretch out your hands. If you’ve found these summer skincare tips to be helpful so far, take a second to like Rebel Skincare on Facebook so you can always be up-to-date on our latest skincare tips! Now here are your other 5 summer skincare tips… 


Myth #6: Your Beach Umbrella Will Be Enough Sun Protection

Here’s something you probably didn’t realize… the sand can reflect the sunlight (up to 17%). 

So you’re not entirely protected from the sun simply because there’s an umbrella between you and the sun. Lather up with sunscreen first, then you can peacefully lounge beneath your beach umbrella. 


Myth #7: Ice Is a Sunburn’s Best Friend

FALSE! While spreading an ice cube across your freshly sunburnt skin may feel good, it’s not good for your sunburn at all. 

The extreme cold from the ice cube will cause your blood vessels to constrict which will reduce your blood flow. Guess what else this means? Delayed healing. That ice cube doesn’t sound so good now, does it? 

Rather than applying an ice cube to your sunburnt skin, reach for some aloe vera instead!


Myth #8: Sunshine Clears Up Your Acne

Have you ever heard this myth? Here’s the truth… Sunshine WILL (temporarily) dry out your acne spots. 

On the flip side, though, that same sunshine could cause your skin to produce more sebum which could aid in skin irritation (meaning more acne). 


Myth #9: Tanning Beds Are Safe for Your Skin

Every woman out there has likely been in a tanning bed at least once. While your skin may look better tanned than pale, the truth is that tanning beds are not safe for your skin at all. 

The UVA and UVB rays emitted from tanning beds could penetrate deeper into your skin. That means an increased risk of developing skin cancer. 

So rather than spending your money on a monthly membership to a tanning salon, you’re better off spending your money on a safe self-tanner instead. 


Myth #10: It’s Too Late for Me to Practice Safe Skincare

If you’re someone who has “worshiped the sun” at some point in your life, you may have heard that it’s too late to protect your skin. Thankfully, that’s a myth that is now debunked! 

It is true that any pre-existing damage to your skin can’t be reversed. But thankfully, it’s never “too late” to start protecting your skin to stop the further development of skin damage! Protecting your skin from the sun is possible at any age, as well!


Summer Skincare Recap

Give your hand a rest after all those notes. Here’s a quick recap for your memory: 

1) Clouds don’t prevent sunburn. 

2) SPF 30 sunscreen doesn’t block vitamin D. 

3) Sunlight does penetrate through water. 

4) Oily skin still needs moisturizer. 

5) Sunscreen won’t prevent tanning. 

6) Beach umbrellas don’t prevent sunburn entirely. 

7) Ice is bad for sunburn. Aloe vera is good. 

8) Sunshine doesn’t magically erase acne. 

9) Tanning beds are never the safe option. 

10) It’s never too late to start protecting your skin from the sun. 


Are you glad to have all those summer skincare myths debunked? Now that you’ve been exposed to the truth, you can embark on your summer of fun with confidence (and healthy skin)!

Skincare doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Get your hands on our FREE Ultimate Skincare Guide today to learn how to care for your skin without all the frustration!

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